Microsoft Windows 10 operating system has created with many features and one of the wonderful features is supporting animated wallpaper as a background. Since, the old one doesn’t support the new feature, using animated wallpaper through your desktop or laptop or some other your old computer you are concerned with the battery life and the graphics performance. The animated wallpapers consume 6 to 9 percentage of CPU usage at a time, so it does not impact the CPU performance.
How to choose the best-animated wallpaper?
The live wallpapers are performing the animation effect with background sound together and it was providing the new experience to the PC user. The animated wallpaper windows 10 free are categorized by many types such as natural, scenery, artificial, gaming characters, etc. Before you choose the animated wallpaper, you should know about the image resolution. There are lots of softwares available to support the live desktop wallpapers. In Windows 10 operating system, it allows the live wallpaper as your desktop background. By using the unique software, you can customize your animated wallpapers as a desktop background.
What are all the features available in animated wallpapers?
When you using the animated wallpaper software, it has some features in it:
- User can change the wallpapers manually with the wallpaper library
- Apply the cool effects like color, text, gradient effects in wallpapers
- Recolor the existing wallpapers with your favorite most like colors
- User can use their personalized image and background and videos as a live wallpaper
- Multiple monitors support like PC, MAC, Tablets, and Mobile phone devices
- User-friendly configuration interface menus and options
- User can modify the animation effects based on the background
- Switch the animation effects to normal wallpapers at any time
Cons of using animated wallpapers:
The wallpapers can change it automatically and sometimes it does not fit with window screen resolution. It takes less CPU to consume, but it may reduce the system performance.
Window 2010 OS have supported the live wallpapers, but you make sure the OS version, RAM capacity and graphics memory. Hence, it doesn’t support the older version. The animated wallpapers are available in free and pro version, so you can choose the free trial version initially and review the performance with 30 days of the trial pack. The free version has some limited options compared to the pro version. Let you make use of animated wallpaper windows 10 free and get the new unique experience.