
What is the Best Diet for a Hamster?

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Hamsters are popular pets due to their adorable and playful nature. However, it is important to provide them with a well-balanced diet from The Pet Property to ensure they live a healthy and happy life. In this article, we will discuss the best diet for a hamster and the foods that you should avoid.

What Should Hamsters Eat?

  • Commercial Hamster Food: The best diet for a hamster consists of a high-quality commercial hamster food that provides all the necessary nutrients. These foods are available in pellet or block form and are specifically designed for hamsters. They typically contain a combination of grains, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: In addition to commercial hamster food, you can supplement your hamster’s diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. Some good options include carrots, cucumber, apple, banana, and spinach. However, it’s essential to introduce new foods gradually to prevent digestive upset.
  • Protein: Hamsters need protein in their diet to maintain good health. You can provide protein to your hamster through commercial hamster food or by giving them small amounts of cooked chicken or boiled egg. However, it’s important to avoid giving them fatty or seasoned meats.
  • Treats: Treats can be a great way to bond with your hamster and provide them with a little extra nutrition. However, it’s important to limit treats to no more than 10% of their diet to prevent weight gain and other health issues. Good treat options include plain popcorn, whole-grain bread, and unsalted nuts.

What Should Hamsters Avoid?

  • Seeds: While many commercial hamster foods contain seeds, it is essential to avoid feeding your hamster excessive amounts of seeds as they can lead to obesity and other health issues.
  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Sugar: While fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a hamster’s diet, it is important to avoid giving them fruits and vegetables that are high in sugar, such as grapes, raisins, and sweet potatoes.
  • Processed Foods: Hamsters should avoid eating processed foods such as chips, crackers, and other human snacks, as they are high in fat, salt, and sugar and can lead to obesity and other health issues.

In conclusion, the best diet for a hamster consists of a high-quality commercial hamster food from The Pet Property, supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables, protein, and limited treats. It is essential to avoid giving them excessive amounts of seeds, fruits and vegetables high in sugar, and processed foods. Providing a well-balanced diet for your hamster will help ensure they live a healthy and happy life.


What is the significant importance of using ESA letter?

Estimated read time 3 min read

If you are diagnosed with a mental health condition then an emotional support animal is the main and impactful part of your treatment. This kind of letter is offering comfort and companionship in times of need. With the help of ESA, you can get rid of panic attacks, calm anxious nerves, and help individuals live healthier and fuller life. An emotional support animal is an ideal choice for people who are suffering from an emotional or mental condition that could be severe to impact their lives. Keep in mind that only a doctor might prescribe this letter as part of the treatment plan.

Things to know about emotional support animal letter 

If you are suffering from mental health conditions and looking to get rid of this health condition then you can take advantage of an emotional support animal letter. There are tons of benefits associated with this letter including,

  • Live anywhere
  • Save your money
  • You can go anywhere
  • You might be allowed as a travel companion
  • No updates or renewals required

The major benefit of using an ESA letter is to you no need to worry about the expiration date for housing. If you are having this letter then it is the perfect proof that your pet must be required to your side for supporting your mental health. On the other hand, this letter is a free pass and it might allow your pet for accompanying you everywhere. If you are looking for an emotional support animal letter then you can get help from because they are having many years of experience in this field. As we know, an esa letter is like a doctor’s prescription and it is stating that your doctor recommends ESA for treating your condition. This letter could be tailored to the individual patient and it is having some important details like contact information, health care provider name, and license number.

Detailed information about emotional support animal letter

If you are looking to get an esa letter then you are advised to visit because they are having excellent team to offer complete support and guidance to their clients. Suppose your pet is offering emotional support then you can get all the benefits that might come with an ESA letter. To get the esa letter, you must register it with a trusted site and fill out the prequalification form. If you are having pet means then you might take regular walks or play a game with them so it can ease your mental condition.


Is CBD Oil Safe for Dogs?

Estimated read time 3 min read

Cannabis is a plant that contains many excellent compounds. Humans have used it since ancient times for both recreational and medicinal purposes. A new type of cannabis-derived compound called Cannabidiol or CBD is becoming a popular treatment due to its ability to treat a wide range of health conditions, including anxiety, chronic pain, inflammation, and seizures, among other things. But what about CBD oil for dogs? Is it safe?

The verdict is still out on this question, but the potential benefits of CBD oil with your dog are only beginning to be explored. Despite the lack of conclusive evidence about its safety and effectiveness in treating dogs, there are anecdotal reports from pet owners who have tried using this substance with their pets and swear by the results. But what do vets say?

What is CBD oil?

CBD or Cannabidiol is one of many compounds that belong to a class of chemical compounds called cannabinoids; the other primary compound found in this plant family is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which gets you ‘high.’ CBD does not produce any psychoactive effects like THC because it has less affinity with the cannabinoid receptors in your central nervous system compared to THC. This means that using CBD will not alter your consciousness or mental state. However, despite its lack of psychotropic properties, studies show how this substance can alleviate symptoms caused by certain forms of epilepsy and reduce anxiety disorders among people suffering from a generalized social anxiety disorder.

CBD has recently become a popular supplement and is used to treat various health conditions: it can help reduce chronic pain, anxiety, and inflammation. For many people, this compound provides natural relief from several forms of illnesses without the risk of addiction or serious side effects that are usually associated with prescription drugs.

CBD oil Works In The  Body’s Of A Dogs

Is CBD oil for dogs safe?

A study published in Frontiers In Veterinary Science mentioned two best cbd oil for dogs tested on twelve dogs suffering from osteoarthritis and epilepsy. Researchers found no adverse effects after administering these substances to the pets over four weeks – but more research is needed before we can conclude whether or not CBD provides any risks for your furry friends. Another thing you need to consider is whether or not the CBD oil product you are using is extracted from cannabis or industrial hemp. Industrial hemp is relatively safe for dogs to consume because it contains lower THC concentrations than cannabis, which means that there will be no “high” effect on your dog after finishing these extracts. However, some dogs have been known to suffer adverse reactions after ingesting commercial products made from cannabis plants.

CBD oil dosage for dogs

One way of finding out if CBD oil will benefit your puppy is by consulting with a veterinarian who has experience with giving this substance to animals. It’s also important to note that dosage varies depending on the size of your pet – larger dogs require higher doses than smaller breeds. For instance, one ten-pound dog would only need about 5mg of CBD oil, which you can give your pet three times a day (check out these dosage guidelines for giving CBD to dogs). A more giant dog that weighs up to 150 pounds can be given 15-20mg of CBD two or three times per day. It’s also important not to give more than 40 milligrams per pound of body weight daily.


Cat Hydration –Cats Need to Drink More Water Regularly

Estimated read time 3 min read

Even though movies or other media show the cats drinking bowl of milk, but it is not very good for many felines. Does cat drink water? Definitely, they do. Actually, water is very important to the cat’s survival like it is to the humans’. In spite of being good, lots of cats do not like drinking water, particularly if it is standing water.

 Does Kitten Drink Water?

Even though kittens drink mother’s milk till she weans them at 4 weeks old, they need water. And after weaning, majority of the kittens lose an ability to digest the milk sugar efficiently, thus their main source of the hydration will be water.

 Why Right Hydration is very Important for Cats

The hydration is physiological state of the balanced electrolytes, and specific minerals or fluids in your body, to maintain the balance is very important. The water affects everything right from the circulation to the digestion, thus it is quite evident why to keep the cat well hydrated is very important. Cats are very different as well as have their preferences. Thus, you might have to try some different ways of providing the water to find out something that your cat likes.

Different Signs of Cats Dehydration

Suppose your kitten neglects her bowl of water, she might get dehydrated. The signs of the dehydration in the cats will include:

  • Lethargy or depression
  • Dry mouth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Decrease in the skin elasticity
  • Panting

Suppose you notice any signs, you need to call the veterinarian. They will give the cat fluids, and rule out any kind of potential illnesses or offer right guidance on preventing the dehydration in future.

How Can You Get the Cat to Drink Water?

Getting your pet to drink water will be tricky. You might need to experiment till you find out something that she likes. Begin with some below suggestions and see how the cat reacts.

    Select the Good Water Bowl: Suppose your cat’s water bowl is narrow and deep, it will touch her whiskers that is a bit uncomfortable. Try to switch the cat’s water bowl with the wider and shallower dish with the smaller lip and see if she is able to drink more.

    Place this in Right Location: Even though it is tempting to stick cat’s food or water bowls in out-of-way area, cats do not like getting boxed in the corner. They will prefer places where they will see the surroundings with quick glance and do not need to worry of anybody sneaking up behind.


    Keep Fresh: Longer water sits more particles that it collects. Dirt, dust, hair will all collect in the cat’s water bowl, and making her very less inclined for drinking.